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Maskcara Beauty

Empowered Women

Empower Women



     Mel, also known as No Limits Mel due to her “I can do it all” mentality; she quotes ''A wise girl knows her Limits but a GREAT women knows she has None!'' Her passion for Beauty and Health has pushed her beyond any limit. She challenges herself to inspire anybody in her path, to help achieve their goals not only in the beauty industry, but in over-all lifestyle; she quotes     “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you!”


     As a certified cosmetologist for over 20 years, She never thought using Maskcara Beauty would be such an incredible change in her life.  "Not only has it changed the way I apply my own makeup it has changed the way I feel about myself and how I want to help others feel!"


  Mel continues to challenge herself and empowering other women to feel and look confident in their own skin.


We can guarantee with Mel’s outgoing persona, you will feel that sense of control back in your life and that inner beauty that we all want to get out. She states “I was brought here to inspire and I will use any necessary tool to help motivate each and every person to feel confident and beautiful!”



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Everything we do and everything we create is based on what we believe in. That helping others look beautiful is nice, but helping them believe they are beautiful is life changing. Happiness is contagious. And with enough courage, creativity, and optimism, you actually can have your cake and eat it too.

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